Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Memory Test

Memory rarely fails. But if your computer’s sending a strange error message and somebody suggests you check your memory, it’s an easy enough job. You simply copy a memory-testing program to a CD, stick
the CD in your drive, and restart your computer. Your computer loads the program, instead of Windows, and proceeds to test your memory thoroughly. So thoroughly, in fact, that I suggest you run it before you go to bed so that you can wake up the next morning to see the results. Follow these steps to test all your memory, or one stick at a time: 

1. Download a free memory testing program like Memtest86 Memory Diagnostic (www.memtest86.com; click Free Download) or Microsoft’s Memory Diagnostic utility (http://oca.microsoft.com/en/windiag.asp). The programs come in the format of an ISO file, ready to be burned to a CD. 
2. To burn the ISO to a CD, insert a blank CD into your CD or DVD burner, right-click the ISO file, and choose Burn Disc Image. After you’ve created the CD, keep it in the disc tray, and restart your PC by clicking the Start button and choosing Restart.

3. When your computer restarts, it will load the memory-testing program instead of Windows. Tell the program to run all night. In the morning, check the results to see if the program caught any memory errors. If it’s found errors, you need to replace your memory stick. No errors? Then the memory is okay.

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